Recently I sent a text file to a colleague, and I received it back with a few, almost viewless changes. I was looking for something that can compare the two files and help me understand the differences.

A quick search and an article gave me the solution:

The diff command.

The input:

diff my.json received.json

The output:

<             "id": "sample-order-id"
>             "id": "sample-package-id"

If you’re using an advanced terminal like me it will help you with some colours, like this:

Evaluating the output

In the 145th line of my.json there is "id": "sample-order-id", while in the 84th line in received.json there is "id": "sample-package-id".

Given this data, I could act, and fix my code.

For further info, I’d suggest the man diff command to read the manual.