Recently I was looking for a solution to reduce a bit the enormous amount of RAM consumed by Android Studio and Gradle.

During a meetup of the Kotlin Budapest User Group I received a suggestion to change my default JDK to Android Studio’s JDK and this link for help.

I modified the method a bit, as I’m using Ubuntu, so the installation folder of Android Studio is different compared with Mac.

Appended to my .bash_aliases:

function set-studio-jdk() {
    export JAVA_HOME=/snap/android-studio/$1/android-studio/jre

Appended to my .zshrc:

set-studio-jdk "93"

Finally, I eliminated the Daemon could not be reused issues. However, I didn’t check the drop of memory consumption, but I’m sure it has a significant impact.

Reminder for myself: I need to keep an eye on the IDE updates, as the number in the folder path will change, and I’ll need to change it’s manually in my .zshrc, but that’s all.